Mikenna's new obsession...

Mikenna is talking a lot more now..."see!", "HEY!", "NO!", "cereal", "swimsuit", are some of her newest phrases...the other day she declared "I TAN TO I(T)!!" She loves to dance with her sisters and is humming and singing her own songs everywhere she goes! I can't believe she'll be TWO soon!!


janellelee said…
she is such a cutie! and 2? wow! the wipe out picture really cracked me up! isnt that the best when they are just so worn out they crash! sorry again about kaley...that picture of her legs is so crazy! i have NEVER heard of this problem! good luck!
Taunya said…
Wow! I cant believe your baby is almost 2! She is growing up so fast. Its so fun when they start discovering new words to say.