the fairest of them all...

The 4th of July, with it's hot weather and sunny skies left our fair ones some unsightly and tender skin. Kiera was outside most of the day with her daddy, washing cars, random yard work and then of coure swimming. By the time we got the sunscreen out, it was pretty much too late. In the larger picture, Michael told the girls he would read them some stories in exchange for help to shed him of his itchy layer. Mikenna's reply was, "UCK!!"


janellelee said…
oh my gosh, that picture of michael made me cringe a little bit! Yikes! too bad, i am so paranoid about burns, b/c i have fried my skin soooooooooo many times in my youth!
wind runner said…
I love peeling skin off people (okay, one of my wierd quirks)-and there's no one to peel at my house because they all just get darker and darker!!!! Then when I burn it's usually on my back where I can't peel it and Ted won't because it's too "gross!!"
Taunya said…
Hehe... I made my kids do the same thing to my peeling skin. Im sure I have left hundreds of my epithelials all over our house!