
Showing posts from November, 2008

Fun friends, fun laughs!!

Mike and I attended our first "how to host a murder" game night at our friends Taunya & Jason's (go to her site for more pics.) It was gobs of fun...

The Bismark....

My absolute most favorite doughnut...being eaten in Mikenna fashion...want a bite?

another pinky update...

her damaged nail looks so odd!! the doctor didn't think it would fall off either, but...maybe it just should...

Purple finger...updating...

Mikenna had a bit of an incident a few weeks this how a fingernail looks as it's about to fall off??

Let me in!!



Why I love gymnastics... I only have to sit there for 1 hour and ALL of the girls are participating, in their own classes!!


We are still hoping to make this an annual pictures...only, I think we may have missed last year...understandable since we only have a week to capture our moment!! CRAZY NUMBERS! CRAZY COUSINS! I still can't believe that Stacy figured this out!


Really, how hard is it to swallow? Chew, chew chew...then naturally a swallow follows!! You would think it would be easy...but for some reason my little Mikenna has forgotten how to swallow her food. Candy has been no problem, but food...It began a few days ago...perhaps we can attribute it to her cold and gooey eyes...she would take a bite into her mouth, then chew...chew...nothing...a few more chews...but no is very frustrating!! Monday, she had a play date...but I ended up changing it because she wouldn't swallow...figured, we'd give it a better try the next day...prep her with "if you don't swallow, you won't get to go"...she ended up taking a nap Mon...then Tuesday rolls around...same swallow...even got into her friends door...but oh-no..."Did you swallow?"...she shrugs her shoulders..."open your mouth"...very chewed up food..."Can you swallow?"...she nods...we, I load her back i

Dinner 110508

Well, a semi-success!! We tried CrockPot Enchilada Casserole tonight. Improvements: double the layers of corn tortillas...put the olives in...we like olives...great way to get peppers & beans into kids...loved eating with the tostadas (prefered over regular taco toppings)...more chicken...add some lettuce on it? ...Kiera and Kassidy liked it...Kaylee kept making faces, but she finished her plate...Mike & I liked it. Nice to feel like I made something that we enjoyed eating!

Wii Hula....

Here are our pumpkins...Michael carved them with the girls one night while I was gone. They turned out great, especially since I didn't have to do anything...well, except for helping them pick them out...I tried to encourage smaller pumpkins, making carving easier...and shorter... Our ward YM/YW put on a carnival for the we got all dressed up and headed out. It was a nice, mostly warm afternoon...which was nice...didn't have to cover our costumes under heavy coats!! Here is Kassidy with a few of her friends. Mikenna wouldn't get in the picture...her cold was beginning to make her more tired...She also looked like she was beginning to get pink-eye...(luckily she didn't...)...I mentioned something like, "Oh no, you might have pink-eye!!" Which later she asked, "Is my eye still purple mommy?" My friend Mary's cute twins!! They're sitting in her van trunk for the trunk-or-treat... I thought this was the most disgusting carnival thing