My baby...
Some FYIs about her...
*she loves Elmo & her kitty that G-ma Gale gave her for Christmas~thus the b-day cakes
*she is speaking in multi-word phrases~most ending with "me": help me; po-po me; hand me (hold my hand); dirty yuck EW!; shoo bee; me book; swimming me peese;
*she loves to be helpful: the other day Kaylee was asking for lotion and Mikenna took off into the kitchen. Next thing Mikenna yelling, "Mom!! Help ME!!" I go running, and she's hanging off the end of the counter holding the lotion, unable to reach the stool she'd used..."Me! Je-Je Kaylee, soap!"
*she loves to have her nails painted~has gotten into a small bottle herself and used the entire bottle on her hands "EEEWW Mommy, dirty!"
*her absolute fav is BUBBLES!!
*she chews her food slowly...many times if she won't take a bite, you can get her to take a bite by saying, "oh! where's the doggie/kitty?" Then (for whatever reasons) she'll open wide!
*she loves to run...I'll have to post a video of that later
*she'll echo during prayers, repeating the last words of phrases
*she draws on everything!! namely barbies, books, cupboards, & herself
*her hugs and kisses are the BEST!!