Just for Fun...

Tanya was web surfing for an idea for her Christmas letter...she came upon something...and so we tweeked it into our own and here it is...we are loving Photoshop!!

We also tried out a tutorial for taking pictures by the light of the Christmas tree...not sure how well they turned out...but here are some of those pics too!!


Lisa said…
Hi Dorothy, My name is Lisa. I have a 7 year old son with HSP. My husband googled "stomach cramps with HSP" and we came upon your Blog. We are into week 3... I can't believe this is going to last for MONTHS. It's been helpful to read about your daughter's time with this ridiculous condition. I hope she is doing well and has been able to enjoy this Christmas! BTW, your family is lovely. - Lisa (from Michigan)
Lee said…
Dorothy I don't have your email address. Mine is lee1201@msn.com so send me an email and I will get you an invite. Thanks for letting me know.
nateandcole said…
I love your photoshop picture. I've noticed you do photoshop stuff. We're trying here, but it's a slow learning process.